Creating a voice for Asian Christians
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Asia Bibi
Asia Bibi is a Christian mum-of-two sentenced to death by hanging and currently on death row in a Pakistani prison. Her crime? She had been picking berries for paid work in the village of Itan Wali, Punjab, in June 2009. Then she offered water to a fellow human being after drinking at a rural well – without realising followers of Christ were not allowed to relieve their thirst there, only Muslims. The harsh social norms of Pakistani culture means that Christians are ‘untouchables’ – the lowest. Many Muslims in the country believe, to put it crudely, that members of churches are akin to dogs. Christians are seen as a mat upon which you can wipe your feet.
Sounds harsh and unrealistic?
Asia Bibi’s story is a perfect example of the above ‘untouchable’ claims. She suddenly found herself in a heated discussion with local Muslim women who made fun of Christianity on that fateful day when she fetched water. Asia, defending her beliefs, asked: “Jesus died on the cross for us, but what has Mohammed done for you?” This simple statement caused a frenzy amongst her Muslim co-workers. They instantly called her pro-Christian comments ‘blasphemy’, although she had every right to discuss her faith under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (of which Pakistan is a signatory).
The horrifying result was that Asia was brutally beaten and raped. Her two daughters, one with special needs, were also abused by the mob and some reports suggest sexual assault was involved. Her husband and five children are now in hiding while she waits to be executed. An appeal was refused in October 2014 and Asia is vulnerable to attacks inside the remote prison – even though a death sentence is still levied against her. In spite of all she faces, Asia has stayed true to her Christian faith.

Pakistan’s Blasphemy law is an ever-present weapon of discrimination which looms over Christians in Pakistan. This is a law that we at the BACA have constantly condemned because a significant reform, or abrogation, is desperately needed. As in the case of Asia Bibi, blasphemy charges are laid with flimsy evidence simply on the account of a Muslim witness against a non-Muslim (it is more complicated with Muslim-to-Muslim charges).
Some 50 per cent of blasphemy charges are made against Muslims in blasphemy cases – and the other 50 per cent levied against non-Muslims who make up only five per cent of the population. These facts show the unbalanced hatred meted towards minority faiths. Christians make up just 1.6 per cent of the overall population and yet 15 per cent of blasphemy charges are laid against followers of Christ. Recent figures indicate this percentage is set to grow.

The BACA is campaigning for Asia Bibi’s release from death row. We are working with her family and other organisations to try and overturn the appeal refusal. Supporters of the BACA have sent in kind donations to fund this work which has also involved supporting Asia Bibi’s family . Funds have helped secure travel costs for Asia’s children to visit her in prison. Our support for Asia Bibi, a helpless victim, will continue. We ask that after reading about her story, you will share her terrible plight with others – so that together we can be agents for freedom; and persuade authorities to obey international laws of human rights and release Asia Bibi from prison. Asia has submitted an appeal against her hearing to the Supreme Court and we have written to the courts, asking them to expedite a date for a trial. Please pray for an early hearing and a positive judgement.
BACA is continuing our appeal fund that will be used to support the family of Asia Bibi. Money raised will pay for her children’s school fees, be used towards her legal costs, wedding costs for her children, secure visits to her prison and other domestic concerns. If you would like to contribute to our support for Asia please click on the ‘Donate’ button at the top right hand corner of the website or use our bank details are as follows:
- Bank: Barclays
- Sort Code: 20-44-22
- Account number: 43163318
- Ref: Asia Bibi Appeal
For international donations please use these details:
- IBAN:GB62 BARC 20442243163318
Please make cheques payable to the BACA to our address:
Unit 74934, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US
Alternatively if you would like to send an immediate donation please click the ‘Donate’ button on the top right hand corner of our blog to give via PayPal. Our PayPal email address is

We seek funding towards our ongoing administration costs and are seeking churches, groups or individuals that would like to contribute between £10 – £50 per month or more. Our work has done much to highlight the plight of Pakistani Christians, has created better awareness of our community and continues to unite the international Pakistani Christian diaspora.
If you would like to support any of our schemes please do send your contributions by cheque payable to;
British Asian Christian Association.
Post to;
British Pakistani Christians Ltd
Unit 74934, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US
Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details:
Sort Code: 20-44-22
Account Number: 43163318
For international Donations are details are as follows
IBAN: GB62 BARC 2044 2243 1633 18
Thank you for your continued support.